Lama tak bukak dah dekat setahun.Cpat betul masa berlalu.
Byk je nak crite tp malas nk taruk gambar._
Tak taruk gambar bosan lak.Jadi baik takyah tulis.wakaka
Still busy with the homeworks but manage to skip 2 days classes to go for a trip around Gifu.
Its a very pack 2 days trip as a monitor with Yamagatask. This time will be my home place, Gifu. which is popular with its beautiful nature.
Day 1:
Okay some briefing about Magome. "During the Edo period there were five roadways that connected Edo (modern day Tokyo) and outlying regions. One of it is Nakasendo.It had 69 posting stations of which Magome-juku was the 43rd.
A walk though Magome-juku will transport you back to the Edo period, some 300 years ago.. Visitors can hike a portion of the Nakasendo from Magome to Tsumago around 8km and you'll receive a certificate.They can help you carry your bags during the hiking with some $$$$$$."
The road is very steep and narrow but sometimes the locals drive through with a big van with no problem.You can try it also but remember to take an insurance just in case you end in someone house.
Japan post office and ATM in the village.Maybe outside its looks like this but actually the interior is same as in the city.Interesting isn'it?The vender machines also wrapped with the woods so it can blend with the village.
Waters from the drain flowing fast make it possible to move the wheel.
The wheel outside than become a mini hydroelectric generator.Enough to generate 374 watts in a time.
The guide explaining in Japanese around the village.Very friendly,just ask him,and he can explain to you very details.But I don't know if they have English spoken guide.But don't worry,some the signs around it also written in English
Gassho Village
Then,we went to the Gassho Village.A small village located east of the Gero Onsen area.There are ten historical Gassho-style structures that include the old Ohdos folk museum designated as a nationally important cultural property. They were moved from the world heritage Shirakawa-go and reconstructed about 40 years ago.
Gassho Village.
Closed: December 31
Entrance fee: Adults \800 Children \400
Special (charge-free) day: December 30
Inside at the center of the Gassho mura.
Relaxing a while in the foot bath.If you worried how to dry your feet after that,they're selling bath towels for 200 yen,or just rub it at your jeans.
They also have a very long slide,but you must pay 100 yen a time for it.Let me tell you some secrets.****There's no one guarding at the top. know ...Ψ(' ▽')Ψ *****
Gero onsen(hot spring)
Gero hot spring is considered one of the three best hot springs in Japan along with Kusatsu and Arima. The hot springs in Gero are said to be effective for treating rheumatism, impaired motor function, nervous disorders, and relieving fatigue. These springs are nicknamed “bijin no yu,” or “springs for the beautiful” because of the smoothness of the water, which aids complexion and skin tone. There are also a number of footbaths around town, which you can enjoy free of charge.
The kabuki theater.I don't remember when they do it so you can ask them.
Dinner at our Shirakaba hotel.If you know the Yamazaki beef,than they have a a high quality hida-gyu which is popular in Gifu to grill it.Quite a fun to have a dinner with BBQ styles.

And at last I can relax in the open bath with hot springs waters on top of the hotels.Soaking in while watching the stars and the moon in the sky~.Its open 24 hours so you can go when there's no people.If u want to have some privacy,there've private baths at the cost 500 yen,for 30 minutes.
Day 2:
Showa mura village
Here,you can time slip to the Showa period(1926–1989) .Mixing with modern and traditional lifestyle,there'is a lot of attraction to see,and sometimes they have events too.
Entrance fee-800 yen
9:00~18:00 Open Everyday
9:00~ 17:00 Open Everyday
10:00~17:00 Closed on Wednesday
The example's house.A mixing with modern and old design.
There're selling toys and candies also.When I in a primary schools then,we call the one in the green bottles,and the 8's candies as medicines.So when someone buy it,we jusk ask him "Hey,I want some medicines"or When we got tired like when cleaning our class-
"Everyone who want to become strongeer,eat this!!!ヾ(。`Д´。)ノ彡".
You can also try to make senbei(Japanese rice crackers).Don't worry as u have a nice instructors to teach u how to make a good one.And we got free senbei's too.Yeaaay!Thanks to our sponsor who willing to pay for us.Thanks! :D

I'm lucky to see the leaves still red in colour.The place is huge but we only got an hour to go around.There's a lot of other things like old schools model,fireflies,archeries etc and around 50 zones you can go.
Feather Museum
The Fether Museum that is built by Feather Company that makes razors, shaving as well as surgical scalpels.
The modern, two-storey Feather Museum - a "razor memorial facility" - is dedicated to the history of shaving, beards and hairdressing both in Japan and the rest of the world. There are interesting collection of razors and razor blades from around the world, recreations of historical barber shops, a section on mirrors, a children's play area and even a free shaving corner where the visitor can try out Feather's products.
Feather Museum
1-17, Hinode-cho, Seki-shi, Gifu
Tel: 0575 22 1923
9.30am-4pm (last entry)
Closed Tuesday
Free admission
Famous people and their beards.
3D animation display theater.Quite interesting to see.
Beside the razor,and the knife things there's also have a lot of things we can play.
Looks how happy he is!!!Btw this how they do it in Edo period.And the center bald is the popular hairstyle at that time
A huge collections of the razor papers around the world.
Udatsu no Agaru Machinami
Welcome to the town of the richest!
Udatsu no Agaru Machinami ) is the Edo style town with many traditional houses which remain since Edo period(around 300 years ago). The town name comes from the Udatsu,the traditional fire-protection roof which is also become a symbol of wealth and success of that house.The merchant here doing paper and sake business.
I remember I've seen the sign at the Kungfu Fighter movies.Again,only the rich can have this.Normally they use a wooden plate.
Around the city.They said that a long time ago,this street is considered very wide.One of the function is to avoid the fire from spreading across the street and two once again to show they're rich,the ojisan(guide) said.
Inside someone house that involve in paper business.Only the rich can use this guest rooms.How can we?Yes,we're rich enough because we already paid the tickets at the front.(¬_¬) Ok,actually,the sponsors paid us.
At the backyard garden.Very beautifull.
Souvenir shops selling originals paper lanterns.What the insteresting is,they make it by themselves.I bought one to bring home,too.
And here ends my trips.I hope there'll be more next year.
Saje tulis omputeh,ad kesah?
On 5 Okt 2011,got a free ticket to Mie(三重) for two days as tour monitor.Not an easy job actually coz as I must write this to my blog (sori fo buroken Ingrish),answered some questionnaire and write the translations into Japanese.Nevermind,its free.hehe.
Ok,where's MIE?Google Map it.
Ok,on day one we went to the Toba Aquarium(鳥羽水族館).
You can find all the info's here --->
It's quite huge but we managed to go every inches the aquarium within given time(2hrs 30min) somehow.
Let me share with you a secret.There have animal shows either at A or L corner every 30 min from 10:30am to 15:00pm.The animals will be either seals,. penguin or walrus.You can get the show schedule(blue paper, Japanese) at the counter.Unfortunately I didn't find the English's one,so maybe you can just ask the staff there.
Also you can see the staff feeding the animals on
9:40 (I corner )
10:00(B corner)
13:00(I corner).
15:45(B corner)
16:20(I corner)
And some pictures
UFO invasion.
Moustache fish?
Friendly neighbourhood.The middle seems not very friendly tough.
I saw them alive for the first time and this really freak me.Size around 26' bicycle tyre. What do you feel,gazing you with that eyes and sometimes release air bubble like a street punk.
Two big seals outside the aquarium.I'm trying to take a picture with them,and they BUM!! smacking the glass panel.Scaaaared..But don't worry,they're friendly,just over excited.Just hoping that the glass panel not cracked and ended on your body.There's a lot more.Go see it yourself.
After that we went to the Mikimoto pearls island,origins of the famous Mikimoto's pearls franchise,just next to the aquarium.It a small island with a bridge connected to it.
Admission fees and further info's you can see it here->
Here,there's a pearl museum you can explore.
Capt.Jack Sparrow really want this.
Cute staff explaining how the pearls are cultured.
And every hour(not sure) you can see women divers demonstrating how they harvest the cultivated pearls.
Its amazing how they can swim in the cold water just with a plain white cloth.Maybe driven from the 1500yen entering fees.
And also you can buy discounted pearl jewelries and souvenirs here.Its said that the Mikimoto's pearls are the finest in the world.
The next day,we went to Ise Jingu, one of the noblest sanctuary in Japan. and is considered to be the spiritual home of the Japanese people.Its said that the jingu have 2000 years old history.
You can find detailed info's here->
Its huge,divided by outside(geku) and inside(naiku) and have 125 small sanctuaries in it.
Ok next,we went to the Oharai town and Okage town,just next to it.You can find souvenirs and and gourmets here.
An old town with the building still preserved.Like you're going back to the 500 years ago.
If u plan to visit Earth don't crash at Japan or you'll be ended like this. Dried squid.
What's different from others is they provide bench,or like this open hall.You can eat Udon,Kakigori etc while enjoying the scenery with the wind breeze.A true relaxing...
There's game you can play too.
Ok,lastly we arrived at the Meoto Iwa.Or the wedded rocks.Here's the info
They write their wish on a piece of wood and hang it.Asking for a good relationship with their couple or want a boyfriend/girlfriend for those don't have it.It's rude if you read their written wish,so don't ever trying your Japanese reading skills here.
Some husbands and wife,couples took pictures and I think that they believe they'll have a good relationship if taking their picture with the rocks behind it.
That's ended the trip.Hope you enjoyed it and here for more info's ->